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How many people play SimCity BuildIt? – Spaxton School

The “SimCity: BuildIt” app, developed at EA’s Twentytrack studio in Helsinki, Finland, has 6.1 million players and more than 200 million lifetime downloads, according to EA.

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How popular is SimCity BuildIt?

As of October 2021, the application has been downloaded over 100 million times on the Google Play Store. It ranks number four all-time in simulation games downloads operating on Android. In 2018, according to EA Mobile, SimCity: BuildIt became the most-played SimCity game ever.

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How many active players are in SimCity BuildIt?

SimCity BuildIt has nearly 40 million people playing it around the world, with most of those users located outside of the US and engagement and retention statistics considered to be “very high.” Players spend around 40 minutes per day playing, splitting that time over several five-six minute sessions.

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What is the highest population in SimCity BuildIt?

Max population for 1 epic building in simcity is 26,511 population…

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What is the max population of SimCity?

Magnasanti is a custom city in SimCity 3000, designed solely to have the maximum population. It holds the current record of having 6 million residents, 2.5 million commerce and 650 thousand industry populations, while remaining financially self-sufficient.

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I built a mega city. 2 million population . simcity buildit 2021 amazing design best layout

How do you maximize population in SimCity BuildIt?

The best way to reach us about SimCity BuildIt is to create a case from within your game.

Your population counter appears at the top of your screen, indicated by the blue “people” icon.

  1. Building and upgrading residential zones increases your base population.
  2. Maintain your population by providing essential Services.

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Why was SimCity discontinued?

Fans were ecstatic, but upon release SimCity garnered much criticism over its always-online requirement and buggy launch. The game only received one DLC pack and most of its post-launch updates were scrapped, leading to the studio closing down.

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What sells for the most in SimCity BuildIt?

Re: iron is the most profitable of the items

ANY quantity of the above, that you produce, will be sold immediately. Some of those require SEEDs (25min production), other require CREAM or TEXTILES. You can product it during the night, since they require hours to produce.

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Is SimCity BuildIt still being updated?

The latest update for SimCity BuildIt is now live. You can upgrade Dr.

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How popular is SimCity?

The “SimCity: BuildIt” app, developed at EA’s Twentytrack studio in Helsinki, Finland, has 6.1 million players and more than 200 million lifetime downloads, according to EA.

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What is the maximum tax rate in SimCity BuildIt?

Taxes can be manually adjusted, from a minimum taxation rate of 0.0% to a maximum of 20.0%, although the default tax rate is 9.0% for all categories.

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Is there an ending to SimCity?

No, SimCity of any form doesn’t have an endgame except game over; Maxis treated their products as Software Toys, and then EA took a massive dump on that philosophy.

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Is city Skylines better than SimCity?

In terms of performance, Cities: Skylines is the clear winner, offering a smooth and responsive experience. The choice between the two will largely depend on personal preference and the type of visual style you prefer in a city-building simulation game.

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Is SimCity addictive?

What you get is a city built out of the emergent interactions between all these agents.” The end result is incredible. I’ve been playing SimCity since late last week, and, like every previous version, I’ve found it to be unyieldingly addictive.

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How do you cheat and get money on SimCity?

You can quickly change your game by toggling effects on and off or by adding a quick cash infusion using the corresponding keyboard shortcuts below.

  1. ALT+W – Add $100,000 to City Budget.
  2. ALT+F – Toggle Fire On/Off.
  3. ALT+C – Toggle Crime On/Off.
  4. ALT+M – Toggle Health Issues On/Off.
  5. ALT+A – Toggle Air Pollution On/Off.

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What is the best power in SimCity BuildIt?

The OMEGA Power Plant is the most efficient power plant in SimCity BuildIt. It is unlocked after building 3 OMEGA Zones. Price: 10,000 NeoSimoleons for the 1st, increases by 10k every building to a max of 300k per building.

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What is the best street layout in SimCity?

The best way to lay roads in SimCity would be in large squares or rectangles.

  • You should actively try and avoid 4 way intersections with any roads regardless of the age of your city or not. …
  • @James Why? …
  • Because at the moment mass transit and thus traffic in general is buggy.

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Why are SimCity cities so small?

SimCity’s cities look so small from the the air partially because they’re confined to a perfect square. It’s unnatural, and if the borders adapted to fit the terrain and were just a bit bigger, I think that feeling of confinement would be mitigated.

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Why is there no Sims 5?

There is not currently a Sims 5 release date

All that we currently know about The Sims 5’s release window is that it’s a long way off. The game is still in the early stages of development, and it was judged to be at least a couple of years away when it was announced in October 2022.

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What’s a hot spot on SimCity?

Hot spots. Hot Spots are upgradeable specialization buildings that are built using Regional currency. Each Region has its own set of Hot Spots that fit the Region theme, but all Hot Spots can be built in any Region or Capital City. Hot Spots are available when you reach a population of 1,000 in any of your Regions.

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How many times can you upgrade a building in SimCity BuildIt?

A residential building can be upgraded 5 times, each time granting XP and coins and a population boost. This means, by adding a new building, the players also create a source for coins and XP that can be exhausted.

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What is the fastest way to make money in SimCity BuildIt?

The simplest way to get money is to upgrade residential zones. Another easy one is to sell things to other cities. Once you unlock the trade depot, you can sell things there. If you see something being sold for less than its maximum price, buy it!

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