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Is it better to save Lawan or Mia? – Spaxton School

Saving Lawan is considered the bad ending of Dying Light 2 and letting her detonate the bombs gives players the good ending in Dying Light 2. Although Mia will die if Lawan detonates the bombs, Aiden will save Villedor, and Lawan may also be saved depending on earlier decisions.

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Does Mia survive if you save Lawan?

If the player saves Villedor, the bartender will say that he did in fact find his sister, but she expired a few hours after leaving the facility. He also says that the people of Villedor owe their lives to him. Mia’s death is unfortunately inevitable regardless of the character’s choices.

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What happens if I choose to save Lawan?

If you choose to save Lawan, Aiden will try to stop her so she can’t detonate the bombs. You’ll have a few minutes to follow the yellow marker and get to Lawan’s position. Once you get there, Aiden will start turning and almost kills Lawan, but he’ll manage to get her out seconds before the missiles launch.

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Is it better to save Lawan or let her detonate the bombs?

Let Lawan Detonate The Bombs And Save Mia

If you had previously chosen to save Hakon earlier on in the story, then he would arrive to save Lawan in time before the bombs detonate — thus saving Lawan and the city. If not, then Lawan will sacrifice herself to save the lives of Villedor’s inhabitants.

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What is the best ending for Dying Light 2?

The Best Ending

  • Keep Hakon alive till the end.
  • Side with Frank in the VNC Tower Mission.
  • Let Lawan detonate the bombs in X13 Mission (Here’s when keeping Hakon proves fruitful as he will rush in to save Lawan and the city in the process).

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DYING LIGHT 2 All Endings (Save Mia Ending Vs Save Lawan Ending)

Did Lawan kiss Aiden?

Depending on player choice, Lawan’s relationship with Aiden will be either platonic or hint at potential romance. Although this is never explicitly shown, she will kiss Aiden on the cheek if she is officially made a Nightrunner (assuming she did not kill Hakon in the Nightrunners quest).

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Who should I side with in Dying Light 2?

While joining either faction has no bearing on the storyline, Peacekeepers are slightly better than Survivors in Dying Light 2. This is because when you join the Peacekeepers, you receive much better rewards such as car traps, electrical traps and the PK Razor Canon.

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Can you save both Mia and Lawan?

Mia’s death is sadly inevitable, but you need to let Lawan sacrifice herself in order to save the city and its inhabitants. However, if you spared Hakon then Lawan will still get out alive; and if you gave the VNC Tower to Frank, then Lawan will see fit to join you on your travels.

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Can you hook up with Lawan?

In short, no, you cannot romance Lawan in Dying Light 2. While a romance system doesn’t exist in the game, your choices determine whether you get a good or bad outcome. So, at the end of the day, you can still run away with the City’s most fearsome rogue if you play your cards right.

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Can Aiden romance Lawan?

Aiden and Lawan’s relationship frequently borders on romantic, with the game hinting several times that their bond is more than just a friendship. However, Dying Light 2 does not feature romanceable NPCs, so your choices won’t affect whether Lawan and Aiden’s bond remains a friendship or blossoms into a romance.

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Is Mia still alive Dying Light 2?

Later, after Aiden defeats him, he either tries saving Mia from the laboratory before the missiles explode because of Lawan, or stop Lawan from blowing up the laboratory. Either way, Mia ultimately dies from the strain.

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How do I make sure Lawan survives?

Let Lawan Detonate the Bombs

  1. Hakon will save Lawan if he’s alive, and the missiles won’t destroy Villedor. …
  2. If Hakon was alive, but you allied with the Peacekeepers or Juan, he’ll still save Lawan. …
  3. If Hakon dies, there’s no one to save Lawan.

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Is Mia actually your sister Dying Light 2?

Upon finding Waltz inside the facility, Aiden will finally learn the truth: Mia is alive, but she’s not his sister; she’s actually Waltz’s daughter. All those years ago, Waltz tried to find a cure for whatever disease Mia had. But, before he could continue with his experiments, the GRE shut him down.

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How do you get the Aiden and Lawan ending?

Here’s how it playes out.

  1. If Hakon was alive, he’ll save Lawan. The city is saved. …
  2. If Hakon was alive, but you allied with the Peacekeepers or Juan, he’ll still save Lawan, but she refuses to leave with him.
  3. If Hakon is dead, Lawan dies too, though the city is saved. Aiden leaves alone.

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Can you romance Sophie in Dying Light 2?

What is this? In short, there is no Dying Light 2 Lawan romance, and though you can have close moments with her character – and even try to display your affection (pictured above) – ultimately, there is no explicit option to romance her.

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Should I trust the colonel or Lawan?

The Colonel will show you Waltz’s quarters and arrange transportation so you can go to X13. If you choose to side with Lawan, she will shoot The Colonel’s wife by mistake, the guards will attack, and she’ll get injured. You’ll have to fight them as well as The Colonel’s Champion.

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Is Aiden a Nightrunner?

Dying Light 2 follows the story of a Night Runner named Aiden as he searches for his long-lost sister named Mia. His search takes him to one of the last bastions of human civilization, a European city called Villedor.

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Who are the good guys in Dying Light 2?

Peacekeepers: The Peacekeepers present themselves as The City’s elite police squad, using an iron fist to keep the surviving citizens safe. They are the game’s “good” faction.

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Should I stay with Lawan or Veronika?

Out on the rooftop, you can choose between speaking with Lawan or just go straight to meet with Veronika. Talking to Lawan is the “better” option, but it doesn’t really matter whether you stay or not.

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Which Dying Light 2 ending is canon?

The canon ending is that Kyle chose not to kill the thousands left in Harran and the surrounding area, even if it meant eliminating the virus. If this is the case, The Mother infects Kyle with the serum. He manages to kill her but is transformed into a sentient volatile.

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Is it better to side with the Survivors or Peacekeepers?

In short, Survivors are best if you would rather avoid fights, and prefer to explore the rooftops of Villedor. On the other hand, Peacekeepers are for those who prefer to decimate everyone who gets in the way, be it crowds of infected or bandits.

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What is the strongest enemy in Dying Light 2?

Volatiles are, without a doubt, the deadliest infected in the game. They’re even considered the apex predators among the infected. These zombies are built differently and have incredible speed and strength, making them an incredibly dangerous threat. The best way to deal with Volatiles is not to deal with them at all.

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Are the Peacekeepers good?

The Peacekeepers’ crossbow reward is certainly worth working towards, and the first three faction rewards you get with the Survivors are arguably the most generally useful rewards they have to offer (though the resurrection ability is certainly nice if you’re in Survivor territory).

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Which party is Lawan?

He represents the Yobe North Senatorial District in the Senate as a member of the All Progressives Congress.

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