Australian PM Scott Morrison accidentally rugby tackles boy during football match at election event | World News


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has accidentally knocked over a boy while playing football at an election campaign event.

The 54-year-old fell on top of the child in Devonport, Tasmania – before checking he was not hurt and exchanging a high-five.

It comes just a few days after Mr Morrison said he had been a “bit of a bulldozer” as his unpopularity became an election issue.

Scott Morrison accidentally collides with the boy during the match. Pic: AP

“No one is safe from the bulldozer,” Labor politician and campaign spokesman Jason Clare said on Twitter.

The pictures brought back memories of when Boris Johnson collided with a boy when he was playing street rugby during a visit to Japan as London mayor in 2015.

Boris Johnson rugby tackling a boy in Tokyo in 2015 when he was mayor of London

Opinion polls show Mr Morrison’s conservative coalition trailing the Labor opposition ahead of the general election on Saturday.

Nearly six million voters out of an electorate of 17 million have already cast their ballots through the post or early in-person voting, official data shows.

An additional 1.1 million postal votes have been received so far versus the 2019 election.


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