Faf du Plessis fined for ball tampering against Australia – Scooptimes

Faf du Plessis fined for ball tampering against Australia:

South Africa’s captain Faf du Plessis, who has been found guilty of ball-tampering, fined his entire match free from the Hobart Test and he will be free to play in Adelaide this week.

He was charged under the law “changing the condition of the ball in breach of Law 42.3” by ICC CEO Dave Richardson.

Latest amendment in the law earlier this year meant that “the offence was treated as a first offence”. This is the second time Faf has been charged for ball tampering, the first was against Australia in 2013.

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The ICC had said that “TV footage appeared to show du Plessis applying saliva and residue from a mint or sweet, an artificial substance, to the ball in an attempt to change its condition” during the Hobart Test.

The ICC said in a statement: “The decision was based on the evidence given from the umpires, who confirmed that had they seen the incident they would have taken action immediately, and from Mr Stephenson [MCC head of cricket John Stephenson], who confirmed the view of MCC that the television footage showed an artificial substance being transferred to the ball.”

The maximum penalty for a level 2 breach is a 100% match fee fine and two suspension points, which equates to being banned for one Test.
