Ransomware is the huge attack happened few months before. Google declared that Ransomware hijackers gained a lot of money through this attack. We all know this already but this is about new attack. Yes! phishers hacked a chrome extension and pushing malwares.
An extension which has nearly 37k users called Dubbed Copyfish used to extract text from images and to convert pdf to videos.
Sadly, it has been hijacked by the unknown attacker and which is equipped with advertisement injection ability. Though the original developers of Dubbed Copyfish tried to disable it from chrome. Unfortunately it can’t be done because the attacker moved into developer account. It already left from their hand.
This is how a copy fish look like:

According to a9t9 software, “a mail is received with a instructions to update the copy fish otherwise which is removed from chrome” and it also contain bit.ly link when they click it ask for a password it looks like same google password form. Even though the receiver inspected through HTML, he did not find anything suspicious. After entering the password, the extension updated to another version and started to push out spam and advertising.
Even though developers of Dubbed Copyfish identified this hacking very soon but they could not to do anything because they already lost their control over Dubbed Copyfish developer account.
So BE AWARE about this and remove this extension from your chrome if you already installed it.