Josh Richards Age, Net Worth, Biography, Height, Income – Scooptimes

Josh Richards is a Canadian actor, social media influencer, and entrepreneur. He rose to fame as a Vine star and has since transitioned into acting, appearing in films like American Vandal and The Outfield. He has also become an entrepreneur, launching several business ventures and investing in several tech startups. His net worth is estimated to be around $3 million, and he has amassed a large following on his social media accounts. In this article, we’ll explore Josh Richards’ age, net worth, biography, height, and income.

Josh Richards: Age & Net Worth

Josh Richards is 22 years old, born on May 11th, 1998 in Ontario, Canada. He began his career as a Vine star in 2014, and quickly became one of the most popular stars on the platform. He has since transitioned into acting, appearing in films and television shows such as American Vandal, The Outfield, and The Babysitter: Killer Queen. His net worth is estimated to be around $3 million.

Biography & Height

Josh Richards is a Canadian actor, social media influencer, and entrepreneur. He is 6’1” tall and has a slim build. He is most known for his work as a Vine star and his appearances in films such as American Vandal and The Outfield. He is also a successful entrepreneur, launching several business ventures and investing in several tech startups. He is also an active philanthropist, donating to charities and causes that he believes in.

Income & Other Details

In addition to his acting and entrepreneurship, Josh Richards also earns money through sponsorships, endorsements, and other business ventures. He is also a popular social media influencer, with millions of followers on Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms. He often partners with brands for sponsored content, which helps to boost his income. He is also an active investor, investing in several tech startups and other business ventures.

Josh Richards is a Canadian actor, social media influencer, and entrepreneur. He rose to fame as a Vine star and has since transitioned into acting, appearing in films like American Vandal and The Outfield. He has also become an entrepreneur, launching several business ventures and investing in several tech startups. His net worth is estimated to be around $3 million, and he has amassed a large following on his social media accounts. With his age, net worth, biography, height, and income, Josh Richards is one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the entertainment industry.